Essential Clinical Surface Anatomy


The anatomical basis of clinical practice.

This is an eBook available as a digital download only.



A solid knowledge of anatomy is at the core of many professions; including nursing, physiotherapy, the fitness and wellbeing industry, medicine and many others. It can be a daunting task to try and learn every aspect of the anatomical structure of the body, but the appreciation for the complexities of our bodies grows with our understanding. Surface anatomy allows a clinician to recognize anatomical features that can be seen or felt without the need for dissection. From muscle insertions, to palpable arteries, bony prominences to organs in the abdomen – surface anatomy covers every system and area of the body. It is a fascinating subject, and is a prerequisite for anyone that looks after the human body in any way. This book is an extremely helpful reference for anyone needing to grasp the essential facts of surface anatomy. Written by a true anatomical enthusiast, the body is divided into easily manageable sections with excellent clinical examples and references. It is simple and easy to read, and yet provides the reader with numerous facts from which they can further develop their knowledge base.

About the Author

 Dr. Marc Barton qualified from Imperial College School of Medicine in 2001. Since that time he has worked in a variety of different medical specialities. He worked as a GP partner from 2006 until 2008 and more recently as a higher specialist trainee in Emergency Medicine. He has gained a formidable reputation as an exam candidate and in addition to passing a Bachelor of Science degree and Medical Finals as an undergraduate, he has also passed three postgraduate membership exams and two postgraduate diploma exams. He has an active interest in medical education and a wealth of experience teaching both medical students and doctors. In his private life, he is a devoted husband and father of three children. He is also a lifelong martial artist and regularly teaches Jiu-Jitsu in his spare time.


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