Langer’s Lines and Surgical Incisions

Langer’s Lines and Surgical Incisions

Langer’s lines, which are sometimes referred to as the skin cleavage lines, are a series of lines drawn topographically across the human body. They correspond to the natural orientation of collagen fibres in the dermis and usually lie parallel to underlying muscle...
Bundle Branch Blocks  (Part 2 – Fascicular Blocks)

Bundle Branch Blocks (Part 2 – Fascicular Blocks)

In Part 1 of our ‘Bundle Branch Blocks’ series we learnt about left and right bundle branch blocks. Left bundle branch blocks can be further subclassified into left anterior fascicular blocks and left posterior fascicular blocks if the obstruction is limited to one...
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

“True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.” Wilhelm von Humbodlt   The value of exercise I have already mentioned how I have used exercise to help me with my exam preparation at several points throughout...
Upper Limb Nerve Lesions (Part 4 – The Ulnar Nerve)

Upper Limb Nerve Lesions (Part 4 – The Ulnar Nerve)

In Part 3 of our ‘Upper Limb Nerve Lesions’ series we learnt about the median nerve and the most commonly occurring lesions associated with damage to it. We now move on to the ulnar nerve and it’s associated nerve lesions. The ulnar nerve is a major branch of the...
Upper Limb Nerve Lesions (Part 3 – The Median Nerve)

Upper Limb Nerve Lesions (Part 3 – The Median Nerve)

In Part 2 of our ‘Upper Limb Nerve Lesions’ series we learnt about the radial nerve and the most commonly occurring lesions associated with damage to it. We now move on to the median nerve and it’s associated nerve lesions. The median nerve is a major branch of the...