An 18-Month-Old with Stridor
A mother brings in her 18-month-old to the Emergency Department with breathing difficulties. The boy was seen earlier that week with a possible mild allergic reaction following eating a cake, but at that time his symptoms settled rapidly following administration of...
The Art of Breaking Bad News
Breaking bad news is something that every doctor will have to do many times during his or her career. It can be a tremendously difficult job for the doctor involved and is fraught with potential problems. Many experienced clinicians still find this task anxiety...
A 45-Year-Old Woman With Unexplained Hearing Loss
A 45-year-old woman presents complaining of difficulty hearing out of her right ear. She reports that her hearing loss is worsening, and in the last couple of weeks she has also had a fairly constant headache and feels dizzy. When you examine her right ear, you note...